2003 - Alaska


Home 2003 Pilot's Log 2003 Route of Flight Equipment Useful Flying Links Pilots



David, Earl and Jim.

Our 2003 Mission...

Our mission for 2003 was to pilot our own aircraft north through the great Canadian Provinces of Alberta, British Columbia and Yukon Territories; across the vastness of Alaska; over the cold Bering Sea and land in Provideniya, Chukotskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug, about 150 miles into Russia.  In doing so, we hoped to raise pilot awareness about this new VFR routing and encourage others to visit the peoples of this part of Russia.  These people, nearly 6000 remote miles from Moscow, hope to develop local tourism and improve their lives.

While we didn't make it into Russia, we had a wonderful trip through Canada and touring Alaska.  


Sunset in Fairbanks is just after Midnight in the summer months.  We enjoyed this one just a few minutes before landing.  We fly over 10 hours leaving Anchorage in the morning, crossing the Alaska Range, lunch/dinner in Nome, and back to Fairbanks.  Incredible country...incredible day! (See "July 8" in Pilot's Log).







We want to thank our three lovely wives for letting us take this trip...


Debbie, Carol and Barbara



At 20,320', Mount McKinley is the tallest mountain in North America.  An argument is made that it is the tallest mountain in the world when you consider the distance from the base to the peak.  Mount McKinley starts at near sea level.  This picture is courtesy of Bill Jager at Alaska Pictures.  He has some wonderful photos of Alaska.



DISCLAIMER:   If you are fool enough to listen to what we say, act on it, and get yourself in trouble...then you deserve what you get and we aren't taking any responsibility for it.  Before attempting to make any flight, please do your own research.  What we are including here is our experience, not necessarily what is right or wrong.  Further, we have included links and comments about other companies and people.  We are not endorsing them and they aren't endorsing us.  Nor are we receiving any money from them for our trip (we tried).  We only add their information as they may have been particularly helpful to us...they might not even like you, so tread lightly!