Useful Flying Links


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Alaska FAA.  The Alaska FAA folks have done a really good job with their website.  This is a must read if you are flying to and in Alaska.  For that matter, there is some good information on Canada too.  Some particularly helpful sections:

    Aviation Publications and Documents

    Flight Tips for Pilots in Alaska 

    Library of Alaska Airport Photos

    International Division of Alaska Region

    Main VFR to Russia Webpage

    A Guide to:  Flying to Russia - VFR 


Alaska Airmen's Association.  These are great folks with good information about flying in Alaska.  Actually, members of this association were part of the introductory flights to Russia to help establish the new VFR route.   

Canadian Aviation Regulations ("CARs").  If you are heading to Canada, you'll want to review the Canadian Aviation Regulations.  You'll also probably want to get a copy of the Canadian Flight Supplement. 

Circumpolar Expeditions.  Tandy and Ken Wallack have been tremendously helpful in obtaining our Russian Invitation and Visas, along with our invitation from the governor of Chukotka (this is a separate invitation than the one needed for the visa.  It took a while to figure out that some people call this a "Border Permit" and others an "Invitation").


World Time Server.  It took us a while to calculate UTC and local times for our flight across to Russia.   If you are flying to Russia, you will have to put down these times (and dates) when you file with Moscow for a flight number.  A real trick for us was determining if Provideniya Bay keeps daylight savings time or not.  After calling Nome Flight Service Station, it turns out that different localities within in the province  go on daylight savings time and others do not.  We made the assumption Provideniya Bay does.  We'll find out if we are right.  Remember, you have to convert the date as well from UTC to local as Provideniya is 20 hours ahead of Alaska.


Howard Aviation.  They don't have a website up, but Robin Howard and his group are located at La Verne Brackett field in Southern California.  If you are looking for excellent mechanics, including your avionics, David highly recommends them.  Phone:  (909) 593-2596.  


Russian Weather Website.  Here is a website that we were referred to.  It is a Russian website, but in English and allows you to take a looksee at weather in Russia.