Redding is a beautiful northern California town right on the river.  It is at the northern end of the San Joaquin Valley.  North looms the beautiful crater mountain called Mt. Shasta.  It can be seen for well over 100 miles on a clear day, probably close to 200 miles if you are in the air.  Also just 40 miles away is Mt. Lassen Volcanic National Part--well worth a stop if you are in this part of the country.  Mt. Lassen is an active volcano.   Unfortunately, California is far too often associated with Hollywood, Los Angeles and San Francisco.  They are amazing cities.  But, California has some of the best natural beauty in the country.  From the central coast and northern coast lines to the Sierra mountains.  In northern California, there are huge counties...bigger than some of the New England states, that are nearly all wilderness.  Redding, California sits on the edge of that wild country.

We left Redding on June 27.  See our June 27 Pilot Report.

Northern California is a land of wilderness.  Dominating the NorCal skyline on clear days is Mt.  Shasta , an active volcano in its past life...and, who knows,  maybe in it future life too!