Alaska:  Emergency Equipment List 

bulletThis equipment includes:
bulletFood for each person in the aircraft sufficient to maintain life for two weeks.
bulletOne ax or hatchet
bulletOne first aid kit
bulletOne pistol, revolver, shotgun, or rifle and ammunition as appropriate. This is for use in food gathering. protection. and to attract attention of rescue aircraft or vehicles.
bulletOne small gill net and an assortment of tackle such as hooks, flies, lines, and sinkers.
bulletOne knife
bulletTwo small boxes of matches
bulletOne mosquito headnet for each person.
bulletTwo small signaling devices, such as colored smoke bombs, signal mirrors, railroad flares, or Very pistol shells stored in sealed metal containers.
bulletIn addition, the following are required for winter travel, October through April.
bulletOne pair snowshoes
bulletOne sleeping bag
bulletOne woolen blanket for each person

Note:  this is by no means meant to represent a legal list required to fly in either Alaska or Canada.  Pilots should check with the Alaska FAA or Transport Canada